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Wichita Christmas Bird Count

Great Plains Nature Center 6232 E 29th St N, Wichita, KS, United States

Meet at the Great Plains Nature Center parking lot for a whole day survey of birds in the city. Compilation will be at  5:30 p.m. at the Great Plains Nature Center, with food included!.  


Winfield – Udall Christmas Bird Count

Beech Science Center, Southwestern College, Winfield 100 N College St, Winfield, KS, United States

Meet at the Beech Science Center, Southwestern College in Winfield.-  


Sedan Christmas Bird Count

One Stop Gas 301 W Main St, Sedan, United States

Meet at the One Stop/Phillips 66 gas station in Sedan. Notify the compiler if you plan to attend.  


Slate Creek Christmas Bird Count

Slate Valley Church S Oxford Rd and E 80th St, Oxford, KS, United States

Meet at the Slate Valley Baptist Church, 7 miles south of Oxford on the main road. (S. Oxford Rd and E 80th St.)  


El Dorado Christmas Bird Count

McDonald's in El Dorado 2002 W Central, El Dorado, KS, United States

Meet at the McDonald's on Central in El Dorado. Notify the compiler if you plan to attend.  


Arkansas City Christmas Bird Count

Newman Park, Arkansas City 1800 S Summit St, Arkansas City, KS, United States

Meet at Newman Park on Hwy 77 at W Lincoln Ave,  just north of the Arkansas River.  


Marion Christmas Bird Count

Shari Fleming Welcome Center, Tabor College 400 S Jefferson St, Hillsboro, United States

Meet at the Shari Fleming Welcome Center on the Tabor College campus in Hillsboro at 7:30 am. The center is on the north side of 190th Street, next to the Center for Mennonite Brethren Studies.  


Red Hills Christmas Bird Count

Casey's in Medicine Lodge 314 S Iliff St, Medicine Lodge

Meet at the Casey’s General Store, 314 S. Iliff St in Medicine Lodge. Groups will depart at 7:30 am.   
