Field Trip

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El Dorado Lake and Short-eared Owls

El Dorado state lake walnut river area NE Eagle Pass, El Dorado, KS, United States

Meet in the Great Plains Nature Center parking lot, with a second meet up at 2:30 p.m. at the El Dorado State Park Walnut River area by the main restrooms. We’ll bird the lake and surrounding areas, then hunt for Short-eared Owls at dusk. Finding a SEO is always chancy, but there are good odds …

El Dorado Lake and Short-eared Owls Read More »


2nd Saturday Bird Walk

Great Plains Nature Center 6232 E 29th St N, Wichita, KS, United States

Bring your binoculars and discover the birds that visit and live in Chisholm Creek Park. No birding experience is needed. Expect 1–2 miles of walking on paved paths. The walk will last about 90 minutes. Meet at the Great Plains Nature Center parking lot


Woodcocks in Chisholm Creek Park

Great Plains Nature Center 6232 E 29th St N, Wichita, KS, United States

American Woodcock engage in a unique courtship display on early spring evenings. We’ll try to catch sight of them just as it gets dark. Note that this is WEDNESDAY to avoid the crowds of walkers in the park. Meet in the GPNC parking lot.  


Loess Bluffs NWR field trip

Loess Bluffs National Wildlife Refuge 25542 Highway 159, Forest City, MO, United States

Loess Bluffs National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) (formerly Squaw Creek NWR) is located in northwest Missouri near Mound City. It is an Internationally Important Bird Area (IBA.) During the fall and winter, as many as 4,000 Trumpeter Swans, 400 Bald Eagles have been spotted. Our field trip will be by auto on the 10-mile, one-way driving …

Loess Bluffs NWR field trip Read More »


Chautauqua County Backroads field trip

Dillon's at Kellog & Andover Rd 225 E Cloud Ave, Andover, KS, United States

We will explore the scenic Cross Timbers region in search of early spring warblers and other migrants. Meet at the Dillon’s parking lot at Andover Rd and US 400 and carpool from there.


2nd Saturday Bird Walk

Great Plains Nature Center 6232 E 29th St N, Wichita, KS, United States

Bring your binoculars and discover the birds that visit and live in Chisholm Creek Park. No birding experience is needed. Expect 1–2 miles of walking on paved paths. The walk will last about 90 minutes. Meet at the Great Plains Nature Center parking lot


2nd Saturday Bird Walk & 71st St Canoe Launch Combo

Great Plains Nature Center 6232 E 29th St N, Wichita, KS, United States

We will have our regular 2nd Saturday bird walk in Chisholm Creek park followed by a trip to the 71st St Canoe Launch in Derby to search for Painted Buntings, warblers, and the myriad of other migrants and newly arrived resident birds. Meet at the Great Plains Nature Center parking lot.


2nd Saturday Bird Walk

Great Plains Nature Center 6232 E 29th St N, Wichita, KS, United States

Bring your binoculars and discover the birds that visit and live in Chisholm Creek Park. No birding experience is needed. Expect 1–2 miles of walking on paved paths. The walk will last about 90 minutes. Meet at the Great Plains Nature Center parking lot


2nd Saturday Bird Walk

Great Plains Nature Center 6232 E 29th St N, Wichita, KS, United States

Bring your binoculars and discover the birds that visit and live in Chisholm Creek Park. No birding experience is needed. Expect 1–2 miles of walking on paved paths. The walk will last about 90 minutes. Meet at the Great Plains Nature Center parking lot


2nd Saturday Bird Walk

Great Plains Nature Center 6232 E 29th St N, Wichita, KS, United States

Bring your binoculars and discover the birds that visit and live in Chisholm Creek Park. No birding experience is needed. Expect 1–2 miles of walking on paved paths. The walk will last about 90 minutes. Meet at the Great Plains Nature Center parking lot
