Extended Field Trip to Puerto Rico SOLD OUT!!
Contact the leader to be put on the waiting list in case anyone drops out.
Contact the leader to be put on the waiting list in case anyone drops out.
Bring your binoculars and discover the birds that visit and live in Chisholm Creek Park. No birding experience is needed. Expect 1–2 miles of walking on paved paths. The walk will last about 90 minutes. Meet at the Great Plains Nature Center parking lot
Presentation Trifecta Our original speaker for this month is unable to attend, so in his place we have three graduate students who will present brief programs about their research. Riley Lawson will speak on a study on the Oklahoma State campus testing the effectiveness of Feather Friendly window markers (white dots) in preventing bird collisions. They have …
Meet in the Great Plains Nature Center parking lot, with a second meet up at 2:30 p.m. at the El Dorado State Park Walnut River area by the main restrooms. We’ll bird the lake and surrounding areas, then hunt for Short-eared Owls at dusk. Finding a SEO is always chancy, but there are good odds …